1981 Christmas In Canada

by Mel Crawford
1981 Christmas In Canada
Mel Crawford
Painting - Mixed Media On Cold Press Illustration Board
Christmas inspires the most extravagant decorations. In Canada, the merry season is proclaimed by holly and pine decked houses, with mistletoe and poinsettia, and -- most important of all -- by the family Christmas tree. Canadians decorate untold millions of trees every year. And few decisions a family may make in a year are likely to receive as much loving consideration and passionate debate as the purchase and decoration of the tree. Once chosen and set up, the tree is topped by the family star. Next come strings of electric lights, which are certain to set off arguments over whether there are too many green lights on one side and not enough blue on the other. Then come gleaming balls in brilliant colors and the gay frivolities -- the bells, lanterns, cones, reflectors and icicles, and the paper chains pasted and popcorn strung by the children. Every family divides on the issue of the final tinsel. Elders hang it strand by strand, while younger members take delight in tossing it by the handful. The family tree stands at the center of Christmas, transforming Canadian living rooms with its splendid size and fragrance. All the ceremonies around it -- the shopping together for one of just the right size and fullness, the trimming of its branches with ornaments cherished down through the years, and the excited opening of presents on Christmas morning -- serve to unite the family.
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Artwork Copyright © 1981 Wind River Studios Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved under United States and international copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, or otherwise exploit the Artwork in any way. Any sale of the physical original does not include or convey the Copyright or any right comprised in the Copyright. WRSH Stock Number XB06193
April 24th, 2022
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