Baboons With Basket

by Wang Yani
Baboons With Basket
Wang Yani
Painting - Watercolor On Rice Paper
Born in 1975 in Gongcheng, Guangxi Province, in China, child prodigy Wang Yani began painting at the very young age of two-and-a-half. As a curious young girl, Wang painted over a beautiful painting of her father's. When asked why she had done this, she replied, "Papa, I was helping you paint. I want to paint and paint!" Her work was exhibited across China when she was only four, and appeared on a Chinese postage stamp when she was just eight. Particularly fond of painting monkeys, baboons and cats, Wang had already received a solo exhibition at a London museum by the time she turned fifteen. Yani's work incorporates traditional Chinese brush strokes and traditional tools, which include brushes of animal hair, black liquid ink and handmade rice or vegetable paper called xuan. Yani uses the xieyi hua style of painting, which is freer than gonghi hua -- the more precise and detailed Chinese style.
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Artwork Copyright © 1983 Wind River Studios Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved under United States and international copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, or otherwise exploit the Artwork in any way. Any sale of the physical original does not include or convey the Copyright or any right comprised in the Copyright. WRSH Stock Number XB08228
March 30th, 2022
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