Battle of Gettysburg

by Ed Vebell
Battle of Gettysburg
Ed Vebell
Painting - Acrylic On Masonite
Ed Vebell was born and raised in Chicago in 1921, and showed an interest in art at an early age. He attended Harrison Art School at the age of 14, where he learned life drawing. Upon graduating from high school, Vebell won three art scholarships. During World War II, he spent a year on the staff of The Stars and Stripes, illustrating various battles. He illustrated a story on the Russians in Berlin and, after the war, sketched the proceedings of the Nuremberg war trials. Fluent in French, Vebell took his discharge in Paris, where he opened a studio and freelanced for French magazines and advertising agencies. He later returned to the United States and settled in New York City, continuing his freelance work. His clients included Reader's Digest, Life Magazine, Sunday Mirror Magazine, Sports Illustrated, Sports Afield, Skiing and Tennis Magazine. Vebell worked in stamp design as well, designing 16 stamps for the U.S. Postal Service.
Please note the "Fine Art America" watermark will not appear on the painting or any print reproduction.
Artwork Copyright © 1978 Wind River Studios Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved under United States and international copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, or otherwise exploit the Artwork in any way. Any sale of the physical original does not include or convey the Copyright or any right comprised in the Copyright. WRSH Stock Number XB05349
April 11th, 2022
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