Benjamin Franklin - Signers Of The U.S. Constitution

by Lyle Tayson
Benjamin Franklin - Signers Of The U.S. Constitution
Lyle Tayson
Painting - Watercolor On Cold Press Illustration Board
Benjamin Franklin was the oldest signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Born in 1706 in Boston, he was the son of a soap and candlemaker. A self-made man, Franklin received some formal education, but was principally self-taught. He won international renown as a printer/publisher, author, philosopher, scientist, inventor and philanthropist. At the age of 81, he represented Pennsylvania at the time of the Convention. If Franklin alone had been responsible for writing the United States Constitution, some things would have been different. He would have placed the executive power of the government in the hands of a council of several men, rather than in a single president, and he opposed the payment of salaries to executives of the new government. Franklin believed, however, in the necessity of compromise. In fact, when the Convention seemed to be near the point of breaking up, Franklin made a short speech imploring the delegates to ask for Divine guidance. Because of the high regard in which he was held, his name on the Constitution was a major factor in winning its ratification by the states. At the age of 84, Benjamin Franklin died at his home in Philadelphia.
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May 9th, 2022
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