Bighorn Sheep
by John Swatsley
Bighorn Sheep
John Swatsley
Painting - Oil On Cold Press Illustration Board
In prehistoric times, more than a million Bighorn Sheep ranged the rugged mountains of the West. Today there are many fewer, and the majority of these roam the Colorado Rockies. The numbing cold and rugged alpine terrain of the Rockies perfectly suits these sure-footed mountaineers. Young sheep especially thrive in the Spartan environment, and gather their strength for the rutting season when they vie for dominance with their massively curved horns. With necks extended and nostrils quivering, they turn on each other displaying their impressive headgear. Blood flows, horns chip, and the battering begins, lasting up to twenty hours. Eventually the weaker ram staggers and falls, and the dominant ram claims the harem. After the rutting season, the rams once again become bachelors, banding together in herds to forage for food while the ewes raise their offspring. The lambs grow swiftly and eventually weigh up to three hundred pounds, a staggering amount since they stand only three and a half feet tall. As they age, their coats turn brown and their stubby new horns become curved weapons. Herds of these mighty Bighorn Sheep roam the majestic peaks, defying the harsh mountainous conditions to scratch out a meager life in the frigid domain they call home.
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Artwork Copyright © 1981 Wind River Studios Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved under United States and international copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, or otherwise exploit the Artwork in any way. Any sale of the physical original does not include or convey the Copyright or any right comprised in the Copyright. WRSH Stock Number XB07490
July 20th, 2022
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