
by Don Balke
Don Balke
Painting - Watercolor On Cold Press Illustration Board
The most prevalent wildcat in the United States, the Bobcat can be found in practically every habitat, frequenting high altitude forests, subtropical swamps, shrub-covered mountainsides and open plains as well as western cactus thickets. In fact, the Bobcat is absent only in absolutely treeless, shrub-less terrain and in the Mexican rain forests. This wildcat is typically an excellent climber and, perhaps more surprisingly, is also a good swimmer. In the wild, the Bobcat's diet consists mainly of hares and cottontail rabbits, but the predatory cat will also eat rodents from mice to squirrels, flying prey like bats and will even stalk animals as large as deer on occasion. Though it is a nocturnal wildcat, the Bobcat does well in captivity, is not difficult to domesticate, and even adjusts nicely to the diurnal -- daytime -- rhythms of human keepers. The Bobcat shares many of the mannerisms of the house cat -- it walks, runs, crouches over food, curls up to sleep and even attempts to wrap its stubby tail around its body the way a domestic cat does. And the Bobcat is even more playful and curious than a house cat! However, the Bobcat makes sounds that are completely different from anything in a house cat's repertoire, perhaps most notably the cough bark. This warning -- used only in extremely threatening situations -- is so resonant, sudden and wild that it startles even people who have heard it repeatedly.
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April 7th, 2022
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