Christmas - Dreaming Of Santa Claus

by Michael Garland
Christmas - Dreaming Of Santa Claus
Michael Garland
Painting - Oil On Cold Press Illustration Board
Christmas is the time of year when children are caught up in the magic of SantaClaus. They believe the miraculous story of a generous and jolly fat man in a red suit, who sports a white beard with a twinkle in his eye. If children listen closely, they can hear the faint jingle of Santa's sleigh bells as reindeer pullhis sleigh across the skies, bringing wonderful gifts for good little boys and girls all over the world. The traditional myth of Santa Claus originated in the fourth century from Saint Nicholas, who served as bishop in the city of Myra in Asia Minor. Known for his generosity and love of children, he gradually assumed the legendary status of the giver of gifts during the Christmas season. After the Protestant Reformation, the traditional character of Saint Nicholas as the bearer of gifts was replaced by the Christ Child, called Christkindl in parts of Germany and Switzerland. Kris Kringle was derived from this name and was portrayedas an angel-like figure who brings gifts on Christmas. In England, Saint Nicholas appeared as a gentleman wearing a long coat and a beaver hat, and became known as Father Christmas. The American version of Santa Claus was developed when 19th century writers and illustrators portrayed Saint Nicholas as a chubby, jolly man with a sleigh of reindeer. These characters continue to bring joy to the hearts of children all over the world as they symbolize generosity and good will during the Christmas season.
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April 24th, 2022
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