Claret Cup Cactus

by Gordon Beningfield
Claret Cup Cactus
Gordon Beningfield
Painting - Watercolor On Watercolor Paper
A member of one of the largest genera of cacti -- Echinocereus -- claret cup cactus occurs in dry, rocky soils of deserts, hillsides and woodlands in the Southwest and southern Rocky Mountains. Because characteristics such as stem sizes and the number and length of spines vary considerably among populations of claret cup cactus in different regions, botanists have designated many varieties within this species. The genus name, which comes from the Greek words echinos -- spiny-- and cereus -- waxy candle -- aptly describes the appearance of its slender, spine-covered stems. Another common name for members of this genus is hedgehog cactus. The branched stems of claret cup cactus form mounds from one to four feet in diameter. When covered with blossoms, usually from April to July, the scarlet mounds add a striking splash of color to dry desert landscapes. Because of their waxy coating, the blossoms often last for a week or more.
Gordon Beningfield was born in London, but spent his childhood in rural Hertfordshire. He began his career as an ecclesiastical artist, and his commissions included engravings of seven glass Memorial Windows for the Brigade of Guards in the Guard's Chapel, London. Although he began to build a reputation for himself as a wildlife artist in the early 1960s, it wasn't until 1974 that a Look Stranger television program brought his work to the notice of a larger audience. After that, Beningfield was regularly in the public eye with periodic appearances on the BBC's In the Country program. The quality of his work, of course, steadily enhanced his reputation as one of Britain's leading painters of the countryside. His work first appeared in book form in 1978 with the publication of Beningfield's Butterflies, followed by Beningfield's Countryside. Many of his works have been displayed in international exhibits. His art was first immortalized on postage stamps in 1981 when his paintings of Britain's butterflies were chosen to be featured on that year's special British stamp issue. His appearances on television and publication of books made him a familiar artist in both the United States and the United Kingdom.
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Artwork Copyright © 1991 Wind River Studios Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved under United States and international copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, or otherwise exploit the Artwork in any way. Any sale of the physical original does not include or convey the Copyright or any right comprised in the Copyright. WRSH Stock Number XB13146
April 6th, 2022
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