Credit Union Act of 1934
by John Swatsley
Credit Union Act of 1934
John Swatsley
Painting - Oil On Cold Press Illustration Board
Since 1934, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law the Federal Credit Union Act, credit unions all across America have been serving the short-term credit needs of millions of Americans. However, it was years before then -- in 1909 -- that the first credit union in the United States was established in Manchester, New Hampshire, by Edward A. Filene with the help of Alphonse Desjardins. Desjardins had been a legislative reporter in Canada and had seen the abuses of usury. He decided to form a cooperative organization made up of people related in some way. By 1921 the number of credit unions in the United States had swelled to nearly two hundred, and Filene set up and financed the Credit Union National Extension Bureau. Since then, the membership in credit unions has skyrocketed and now there are more than twenty thousand unions nationwide with capital approaching ninety billion dollars.
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July 20th, 2022
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