Graf Zeppelin - First Airship Around The World

by Charles Knotek
Graf Zeppelin - First Airship Around The World
Charles Knotek
Painting - Mixed Media On Cold Press Illustration Board
After World War I the first dirigible airship Germany was allowed to build for her own use was the Graf Zeppelin. Her commander, Dr. Hugo Eckener, set out at once to prove her superior worth as well as the feasibility and comfort of long-distance travel in the huge airships. His chosen method of proof: a trip around the world. At that time, the feat had been accomplished only once, by two American Army airplanes making 72 stops over a 6 month period. To finance his voyage, Eckener gleaned the profits from the sale of thousands of commemorative postage stamps; charged passengers a fee of $2500 each; and got the backing of publishers. One of them, William Randolph Hearst, contributed one hundred thousand dollars, with the stipulation that the flight begin and end on American soil. Thus, the Graf Zeppelin began its amazing journey from Lakehurst, New Jersey. Traveling at an average speed of 70 mph, 20 passengers and 41 crewmen dined on gourmet foods and fine wines as they drifted above the barren wilderness of such places as Russia and Siberia, passing over many lands never seen by people from the air before. In a total of twelve days in the air, the Zeppelin covered 20,500 miles, landing once again in Lakehurst on August 29th. A fabulous tickertape parade up Broadway in New York greeted the passengers and crew, and praise came from many sources including the new American President, Herbert Hoover. Dr. Eckener had made his point and the age of the great airships began anew.
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April 24th, 2022
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