Grizzly Bear and Redwood
by Don Balke
Grizzly Bear and Redwood
Don Balke
Painting - Watercolor On Water Color Paper
Food seems to be the Grizzly Bear's one passion. And, like humans, he will eat almost anything, but fish rank high on his list of edible favorites. This artwork depicts a Grizzly Bear fishing contentedly in a California stream shaded by the state's mighty Redwoods. Among Grizzlies who roam throughout California, 'might definitely makes right' and the biggest bears get the best fishing holes. As the fish move upstream, waiting Grizzlies grab them up with glee. But, since mother Grizzlies never give their youngsters any fishing lessons, their techniques vary from highly skilled to almost incompetent. If the fishing is poor, Grizzly Bears will roam the woods looking for other things to feast on. With a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing, Grizzly Bears are able to find small rodents and even bugs. Then, in the fall when they are fattened up, they retreat to cozy dens for a long winter's nap. Usually during January, newborn cubs, frequently twins, are born in the snug dens where they remain warm and toasty until spring. Then, as the snows melt, the young Grizzlies venture out in to the world. If they are lucky enough to survive their hazardous early years in the woods, they grow into massive beasts weighing up to one thousands pounds. In old age, Grizzly Bears, like old prize fighters, bear the scars of countless battles in their fierce fights for survival.
Please note the "Fine Art America" watermark will not appear on the painting or any print reproduction.
Artwork Copyright © 1978 Wind River Studios Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved under United States and international copyright laws. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, or otherwise exploit the Artwork in any way. Any sale of the physical original does not include or convey the Copyright or any right comprised in the Copyright. WRSH Stock Number XB05666
March 21st, 2022
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