Harlequin Duck

by Don Balke
Harlequin Duck
Don Balke
Painting - Watercolor On Cold Press Illustration Board
Named for its harlequin clown appearance, the male Harlequin Duck is identified by blue-gray plumage with contrasting slashes of black and white. A chestnut stripe above each eye and a chestnut patch along the flanks further enhance this hardy duck's unique coloring. The female is mostly black-brown, with mottled gray breast and underparts. Among the three white dots on either side of its head, the single dot behind each eye is the most distinct. The Harlequin's range includes the east and west coasts of North America, although it is more prevalent on the west coast. The Harlequin inhabits rocky shorelines of rapid streams in winter, where it swims and dives among boulders and gravel beds. In summer, this gregarious duck is found near turbulent mountain streams and rivers, preferring the roughest, most torrential waters. The Harlequin feeds on the larvae of aquatic insects, as well as mollusks, crustaceans and small fish. A strong and fast flyer, this duck forms small flocks throughout the year and is rarely seen flying over land. The Harlequin is the only duck in North America to build its nest near fast-running water. Made of grass, twigs and leaves, and lined with down, the ground nest is well hidden among dense waterside vegetation. The female incubates 5to 10 buff-colored eggs between 27 and 33 days. The young leave the nest soon after hatching and are able to fly in about six weeks.
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April 7th, 2022
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