James Dean

by Tom McNeely
James Dean
Tom McNeely
Painting - Watercolor On Watercolor Paper
James Dean symbolized dichotomous adolescence in all its glory. Tough, vulnerable and rebellious teenagers, feeling misunderstood and wanting acceptance, were drawn to the young actor. His tragic, sudden death not only shocked teen America, but spurred it to new heights of hero worship. With his first film, East of Eden, James Dean superbly portrayed the misunderstood, rebellious son with a vulnerable spirit that thousands of teenagers could identify with. However, it was Dean's next film, Rebel Without a Cause, that would forever imprint in the minds of his audience attitudes of independence, non-conformism and hostility toward established mores. In that film Dean was depicted as a loner, standing out from other teens, yet nevertheless a vital part of them. Though labeled a rebel, the character he portrayed was vulnerable and sought acceptance from those in authority. For America's teenagers, Dean's performance served as a paradigm for the turmoil and insecurities of adolescence. Dean's third and final film, Giant, with Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson, told the story of the generational conflict between two Texas families. The film appears to be a drama aimed at adults, yet Dean's intense portrayal of a loner who is rejected and alienated from the world aroused sympathy and compassion in young viewers. An American icon, Dean embodied the tragedy and hope of youth, while his death made him the legend that would become James Dean.
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April 15th, 2022
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