Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
by Ed Little
Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Ed Little
Painting - Oil On Canvas
"His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples -- how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!" in 1822 Clement C. Moore wrote a charming Yuletide story especially for his children. Originally titled "A Visit from Saint Nicholas," the entrancing story came to be called "The Night Before Christmas." In poetic style, the saga humorously chronicled Moore's fictional encounter with Santa Claus and gave many readers their first portrait of the "jolly old elf." The mythology surrounding this fabled fellow dates back to 300 A.D. and centers on Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra in Lycia, who under cover of night took gifts to the needy. Nicholas' fame spread after his death, and many European countries began to celebrate December 6 -- his feast day -- with joyful revelry, the exchange of gifts and sumptuous repasts. Dutch settlers brought the custom to the New World during the 17th century. St. Nicholas, or Sinterklaas as Dutch children called him, was originally pictured as a tall, slender man of stately demeanor. But in America his appearance -- and his name -- changed. Sinterklass became Santa Claus, and with the help of American educator and poet Clement Moore, the saint evolved into a round, jolly elf with rosy cheeks, a white mane of flowing hair and a long beard.
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April 11th, 2022
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