Junkers Ju 88

by Steve Ferguson
Junkers Ju 88
Steve Ferguson
Painting - Watercolor On Cold Press Illustration Board
The Junkers Ju 88 was probably the most versatile bomber of World War II; it was certainly the most highly modified and widely used German bomber. Oddly enough, the Ju 88 was designed by an American, Alfred Gassner, and a German colleague of his, W. H. Evers. The twin-engine aircraft first flew on December 21, 1936, and entered regular service in September 1939. Powered by either Junker Jumo or BMW engines, this highly maneuverable, well-built aircraft filled many roles, including night-fighter, close air support, reconnaissance, tank-killer, torpedo bomber, trainer and unguided missile. Serving on every front in World War II, the Ju 88 was still being produced when German factories were overrun in 1945.
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March 19th, 2022
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