Lockheed F-104 Starfighter

by Steve Ferguson
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
Steve Ferguson
Painting - Mixed Media On Cold Press Illustration Board
The Soviet Union's formidable MiG-15 debuted during the Korean conflict, and it soon became apparent that the U.S. Air Force needed a lighter, simpler combat aircraft capable of surpassing the maneuverable MiG and achieving a maximum speed of Mach 2 -- twice the speed of sound. The Air Force selected Lockheed's proposal for a lightweight fighter interceptor, and the aircraft entered service in 1958. Nicknamed "the missile with a man in it," the F-104 set world records for both speed and altitude. The early "A" and "B" models were withdrawn from front line service in 1960, but the "C" model -- a streamlined fighter bomber --remained in use during the early years of the Vietnam war. Some aircraft from the Thailand-based 435th Tactical Fighter Squadron flew missions in Vietnam until relegated to second line duty by 1966.
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March 19th, 2022
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