Red and White Camellias

by Ren Yu
Red and White Camellias
Ren Yu
Painting - Watercolor On Water Color Paper
Although it is native to the forests and gardens of the Far East, the Camellia has long been a favorite in the Western world as well. The first Camellias to be exported from China to England were probably owned by Lord Petre, a collector of rare plants. However, these flowers promptly died when planted in the warm conditions of a greenhouse. Occasionally, sailors from the British East India Company would bring the lovely Camellias home from their exciting voyages to the exotic East. Their tales of manicured gardens and brilliantly hued blossoms dangling pendant-like from forest trees no doubt painted vivid mental pictures for hopeful gardeners and quickened European interest in the elegant flowers. The Camellia was first introduced in the United States in 1797. Over the years, the blossoms have become just as popular here as they were in Europe.
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March 27th, 2022
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