Robert Frost

by David K Stone
Robert Frost
David K Stone
Painting - Oil On Masonite
Robert Frost summed up his own life in a few lines: "I had to have a job. I ran away from college and went to teaching. I got where I wanted to do the telling, instead of being told. My poetry and my teaching are one." And, it was in poetry and teaching he "found the meaning of life only where need and love are one, and the work is played for mortal stakes." He taught first in a small academy, then at Amherst College, then to the whole of America. Reciting poetry everywhere he went, Robert Frost followed his own advice, "You mustn't leave anything the way it was before you touched it." What he touched were the simple things -- the snow-clad hills and the flowing brooks and the elms and the birches; the hardscrabble farms and their hardscrabble farmers and their brave but weary wives. His poems offered simple but profound commentary on the American experience. Frost first won his reputation in England, but in the end, he was happy only in the States. He became, unwittingly, the poet laureate of America - a poet equally loved by the plain people who had no difficulty understanding, and by the critics who knew they were in the presence of truths sometimes too deep to understand. Frost became a national possession. When John Kennedy was inaugurated President, it was Robert Frost who spoke at the inauguration. His was a life of fame and recognition, but as he, himself, put it, all he wished to leave behind "was a few poems it would be hard to get rid of."
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April 11th, 2022
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