Robin and Apple Blossom
by Don Balke
Robin and Apple Blossom
Don Balke
Painting - Watercolor On Cold Press Illustration Board
Throughout the central and northern states, the return of the Robin in March is a regular topic of conversation. It means that spring is in the air, heralded by a reliable friend. Within a few days after the males appear in northern yards, the females arrive. Soon the male Robins rend the air with cries as they stake out nesting territories and grapple with rivals. After laying a platform of twigs and grass, the female builds up the walls with mud. And to give the nest just the right shape, she employs her breast, making turn after turn. Soon, the Robin's three to four eggs will hatch and a new generation of Robins will grace the Michigan countryside.
The Apple Blossom's bright pink buds, opening to fragrant white, golden-centered flowers, are lovely to look upon. These blossoms are an unfailing foraging ground for bees, and over much of the country, a welcome symbol of advancing springtime. The five pistils and the many stamens with their yellow pollen grow in the center of the five-petaled flower. Bees and other insects carry the pollen grains from flower to flower. This transfer of pollen is necessary for the development of the fruit. Botanically, apples belong to the rose family which includes most of our showy flowering trees -- cherry, plum, peach, pear, quince, and crabapple.
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March 23rd, 2022
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