Round-lobed Hepatica - Wildflowers Of The 50 States
by Kristin Rosenberg
Round-lobed Hepatica - Wildflowers Of The 50 States
Kristin Rosenberg
Painting - Watercolor On Watercolor Paper
One of the first spring wildflowers to bloom in eastern woodlands, round-lobed hepatica flowers from March to June. The blossoms are composed of petal-like sepals instead of petals. Several different forms have been described based on flower color, which varies from white to purple to rose. The stems and flower buds of round-lobed hepatica are covered with soft silky hairs that protect them from sudden drops in temperature. The leathery three-lobed -- often mottled -- leavesare evergreen and persist through the winter. New leaves appear after the flowers bloom. The genus name, Hepatica, comes from the Greek word hepar for liver because the leaves resemble the human liver in both shape and color. It is commonly called liverleaf or liverwort as well. Because of its appearance, the plant was thought to cure liver ailments. Hepatica also was used as a remedy for fevers and coughs. Hepaticas are members of the buttercup family.
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April 25th, 2022
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