Santa On Christmas Eve

by Ed Little
Santa On Christmas Eve
Ed Little
Painting - Oil On Canvas
According to Clement C. Moore's fictional Christmas Eve encounter with St. Nick, commonly entitled "The Night Before Christmas," the droll, chubby elf known as Santa Claus likes to enter and exit houses via the chimney. Laying aside their natural skepticism at the feasibility of such a feat, Americans have accepted this unusual habit as a matter of fact for nearly two centuries. If Santa can deliver presents to houses all over the world during the course of one night, they reason, then sliding his ample personage down a narrow chimney must be relatively easy. While Santa Claus as a character is Yankee to the core, some of his habits have European origins. Santa's peculiar mode of entry has Scandinavian roots, evolving from an old Norse legend which maintained that the goddess Hertha's appearance in the fireplace brought the home and its occupants good luck. Across the Atlantic in the United States, the legend replaced Hertha with Santa Claus, whose yearly dispensation of bounty is for many believers the ultimate indication of good fortune.
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April 11th, 2022
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