Santa With Christmas Gifts
by Ed Little
Santa With Christmas Gifts
Ed Little
Painting - Oil On Canvas
Each year at Christmas time, people scurry from small shops to department stores, seeking the perfect Christmas gifts for their loved ones. This generous, sometimes costly tradition is rooted in ancient Biblical history. The three magi, eastern kings following the Star of Bethlehem to the stable where Jesus was born, presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the newly-born Christ Child. These wise men thus laid the foundation for one of Christmas' most delightful traditions. Although adherence to the custom waxed and waned during the Dark and early Middle Ages, gift-giving was a common practice by the 12th century, especially among the royalty and nobles. Under the onus of feudalism, most lords presented their retinues and vassals with gifts of money. But their own gift exchangeswere often lavish, ostentatious and exotic -- such as the elephant which the King of France gave England's Henry III in 1236. America's Santa Claus is a sprightly soul and the holidays ultimate gift-giver. Operating from a list of requestscompiled during the year, Santa knows exactly what each child -- and adult -- has yearned for, and he stuffs each stocking with loving care and piles mounds ofpackages under the tree.
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April 11th, 2022
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