Sikorsky S-61 HH-3E

by Jack Fellows
Sikorsky S-61 HH-3E
Jack Fellows
Painting - Oil On Masonite
Sikorsky is undoubtedly the most famous name in the world of American helicopters, in no small part due to the charm of both Igor Sikorsky, who flew the famous VS300 on its first tethered flight on September 14, 1939, and his articulate son Sergei Sikorsky. Adaptability has always been a primary characteristic of Sikorsky helicopters and the famous Sikorsky S-61, which made its first flight on March 22, 1959, has appeared in at least twenty-four models. It has also led directly to the development of additional models such as the amphibious S-62. The United States Air Force employed the S-61 as the HH-3E, which achieved fame in Vietnam as the "Jolly Green Giant," a welcome sight for downed airmen surrounded by enemy forces.
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March 18th, 2022
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