The Salvation Army

by John Swatsley
The Salvation Army
John Swatsley
Painting - Mixed Media On Cold Press Illustration Board
William Booth of Great Britain, the father and first General of the Salvation Army once said, "My comrades, soul-saving is our avocation, the great purpose and business of our lives. Let us seek first the kingdom of God, let us be SALVATIONISTS indeed." In his goal to, "make religion where there was no religion before," Booth's war against evil quickly spread from Britain to all parts of the world, including Canada when, in 1882, English immigrants Jack Addie and Joe Ludgate carried the battle line to the streets of London, Ontario. These youthful enthusiasts, formerly associated with the Salvation Army in Great Britain, met by chance at a Methodist prayer meeting and resolved to promote Christianity to Canadian men and women untouched by ordinary religious efforts. Following Booth's guidelines, the Canada Salvation Army was founded as primarily a religious movement. It was composed of men and women dedicated to the task of uplifting their fellows through the Gospel of Christ, regardless of class, creed or color ... everyone is a "brother for whom Christ died." The Army grew beyond all expectation, and with this growth grew the list of services available to the needy. In Canada these services today include: dispensaries and medical services, children's homes and nurseries, employment counseling, repair centers, crime prevention work, disaster relief, visitation of hospitals and institutions, accommodation for homeless persons, and a multitude of other fine services.
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July 20th, 2022
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