William Few - Signers Of The U.S. Constitution

by Lyle Tayson
William Few - Signers Of The U.S. Constitution
Lyle Tayson
Painting - Watercolor On Cold Press Illustration Board
William Few was a self-made man. He was born in Maryland in 1748, and was the son of a poor farmer. When he was sixteen, his family moved to North Carolina. There was no school there, and Few attended the courts to learn on his own, borrowing books from the lawyers he met. In 1761, Few's father went into debt and moved to Georgia. Young William Few stayed behind to straighten out his father's affairs, and later went to Georgia himself. At the age of twenty-nine, Few was elected to the convention in Savannah that drew up the state's first constitution. He then was elected as a member of the state's first legislature, where he was made a member of the governor's sixteen-man advisory council. Few was then elected as a delegate to the Continental Congress, and in 1787, he was elected to Georgia's delegation to the Constitutional Convention, where he signed the Constitution of the United States. At the age of forty, Few was elected by the state legislature as one of Georgia's first two United States Senators. He then served as a district court judge in Georgia from 1796 to 1799. By 1801, he had moved to NewYork City, and won election to the New York legislature. Few went on to serve as a director of the Manhattan Bank from 1804 to 1814, and then was appointed president of the City Bank. When Few retired, he had acquired a small personal fortune, which he applied to charitable purposes. William Few died at the age of eighty, on July 16, 1828.
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May 9th, 2022
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